
Strategy Daddy

Strategy Daddy: Marketing Strategies, Tactics and Case Studies That Can Change the Competitive Landscape of Your Business

A book co-authored by the fabulous Michael Keesee & yours truly has been published by Pediment Publishing in April of 2010. The reviews have been pretty good.

“I know what you are thinking. *Not another marketing book!* Well you are right. This is not just another marketing book.

I have read too many books that deal with the theories of marketing without any real world applications. In this book it is not just theory, but practical applications to help you create a buzz and make people take notice. It is a book of PROVEN maketing strategies that will help to drive traffic and sales to your door. The authors take the time to show you not just the “how” but the “why” you need to take marketing to the next level.

Whether you are a marketer, sales person, or business owner; you must add this book to your library. The first day I used just one of the more than 130 strategies in the book, I made a sale. To me, that is all the proof you need.” – Daniel Hawkins

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2 Word Strategy Report

If you invest in just one product of mine, this should be it.  Why? Because it distills the perfect business strategy.  If you follow the strategy outlined in the report, your chances of failing reduces drastically.  Its all execution after this.

“Most people believe you need a very thick book or over-sized report to get results.

In fact quite the opposite is true. And in this tiny report, you’ll find what every successful marketer knows—and implements. There are many things that make a business successful, but if you use these two concepts mentioned in Ankesh’s report, you’ll have clear focus.

What makes Ankesh’s report so different is not just the clarity of the concepts, but also the easy-going flow of this report. It systematically introduces you to the concepts, and then shows you specific examples of how the concepts can be used.

You don’t need an over-sized 300 page report to succeed in business. If you understand what’s written in this tiny report—and implement it, you’ll be well on your way to success.” – Sean D’Souza (Psychotactics.com)

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Marketing Hotsheet – Wicked Good Marketing Case Studies

From 2004 to 2008, a 100 issues of Marketing Hotsheets were published.  Each issue had 6 marketing case studies in them. 6 marketing ideas that you can tweak and steal to grow your own business.

“The Marketing Stories in Marketing Hotsheet are like that first cup of coffee in the morning – they jolt you from your slumber and make you sit up and pay attention. These case studies are about real live people who have done extra-ordinary things by just looking at the world in a fresh way.

Ankesh Kothari then takes this one step farther and shows you how you can apply this to your current situation. Marketing Hotsheet has given me a totally new perspective on my business venture, and have set the creative juices flowing.

There are tons of newsletters to choose from out there, but if you want to have your mind constantly stimulated with new usable ideas, you just can’t afford to be without this one. Ankesh Kothari always leaves you wanting more… ” – Rod Newbound.

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Unlock Your Brand

This short 36 page report has the blueprint that I used to use while I was still consulting with clients. It lays down an entire branding and marketing plan.

“I expected to speed-read Unlock your Brand.

But, small as it is, this book is not for speed-reading. I needed pencil and paper to jot down the explosion of ideas I got from every page. I found myself underlining sentences everywhere. After reading every subsection, I was compelled to put the book down and brainstorm ways to apply the information and techniques to my own business.

Your real-world examples gave me ideas I never would have thought of on my own.

Thus, I found Unlock your Brand to be a cross between a reference manual and a powerful brainstorming session.” – Mike Hayden

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